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Nombre del instructor

John Doe


Mobile Development


0 (0 Calificación)

Vista previa de este curso

Requisitos del curso

No prior programming experience required. Basic understanding of computers and software applications recommended.

Descripción del curso

Explore the fundamentals of programming and mobile app development in this introductory course. Learn essential coding concepts and start building your own applications.

Resultados del curso

By the end of the course, you will be able to write basic programs, understand programming logic, and develop simple mobile applications.

Curriculum del curso

1 What is App Development
50 Mín.

Full Detail Description for App Develpments

2 Setup Environments for Develping an App
Vista previa 30 Mín.

Full Detail Description for Setup enironments for develping an app

1 if-else in Java
30 Mín.

Full Detail Description for If-else

2 Nesting if-else
Vista previa 30 Mín.

Full Detail Description for nested if-else Creatig Modeling for Blender

1 All about loops (for,while,do-while)
30 Mín.

Full Detail Description for Loops

2 Deploying and Testing App
Vista previa 30 Mín.

Full Detail Description for Deploying and Testing App

3 1st term Quiz [Quiz]
5 Mín.

1. Exercise File-1
2. Exercise File-2
3. Exercise File-3


Senior IT Specialist

John Doe

Senior IT Specialist

Expert in network security and certified ethical hacker.

0 Calificación
0 Revisiones
6 Estudiantes
6 Cursos

John has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. He specializes in network security and has worked with several top companies to improve their security infrastructure. He is also a certified ethical hacker and enjoys teaching others about cybersecurity.

Comentarios del estudiante

Graphics Design for Beginners


Clasificación del curso

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